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  Rediff Shopping > Mother's Day > Flowers & Cakes

  Flowers & Cakes

Mothers Day is almost here and many of us will no doubt be thinking of ways to show our mothers and special ladies in our lives how much we love and appreciate them. This Mothers Day, let your beloved Mother be impressed with some special flower bouquets and delicious cakes.

Choose from a wide range of Vase of 18 Pink Roses with seasonal ferns and fillers in a beautiful glass vase, A cute hand bunch of 12 fresh Yellow Roses or beautiful arrangement of 8 pink lilies in a glass vase will showcase the sentiments to your mother perfectly. Flowers for your sweet mom will not only speak of love but it also expresses the deepest feelings and desires of your heart. Red rose symbolizes passion and longing.

We also have a combination of a bunch of flowers, cakes, chocolates and even sweets. Check out individual range of egg less cakes such as Pink Orchids - Chocolate Truffle, black forest, walnuts and much more.

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