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Socialize With Karbonn this Christmas

In this fast running life,we hardly get time to socialize with friends and family. Most of us have our loved ones miles away and hardly talk to them due to high phone call charges. For all those people, Karbonn brings its latest range of smart phones and tablets that makes socializing easier than never before. The brand not only offers these smart gadgets but also some smart accessories for them to keep them safe as well as enhance their usability.

Enjoy 3G video calls, voice messages and a lot more with the help of numerous new generation apps that make you feel that you are sitting next to your sibling in your living room. Why to stick with your old phone when there are lots of next-gen devices from Karbonn, which lets you enjoy thousands of free apps with benefits like free calls, messages and media transfers?

Socializing and Music lovers: Most of us first ask about the socializing features like Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter preloaded apps on the phone and then its music features. Only after getting satisfied with that we ask about the price and discounts. Treats for music lovers; Karbonn brings several latest music focused smart phones offering mind-blowing music options.

Larger View Enthusiasts:For those who love watching movies and reading E-books Karbonn tablets are a delight. They are the sleekest and fastest tablets available in the market at affordable rates. Buying these gadgets at shopping.rediff.com can get you the cheapest deals and save your pocket.

Work Life Balance: Personal and professional life can be easily managed with the dual SIM mobile phones offered by Karbonn. The next time there is any network problem with one service provider, you do not have to feel stranded, just use the other SIM.

Accessorize the Device: Karbonn offers a wide range of useful accessories for the smart gizmos. These accessories include screen guard, headphones, protection covers and a lot more. So, get ready to celebrate this Christmas by connecting with your loved ones by buying these mechanical wonders from Karbonn available through online shopping at shopping.rediff.com. And availe the best prices and features like Cash On Delivery and EMI on selected range of products. Mobile Phones have changed the way we look at communication. Today there is nothing that this hand held devices cant do, right from making calls, shooting videos, listening to music, to more sophisticated functions like Satellite navigation, working as a PC and much more. They have more technology packed in them, than anything else on this planet as per their size.

Mobile Phones can change the way we look at technology today. That is why Rediff Shopping offers you an exclusive Mobile Shop where you can shop for your favourite mobile phones. The mobile shop has an exhaustive range of mobile phones & smart phones from well known brands like Nokia, Samsung, Apple, Micromax, HTC, Sony Ericsson, Blackberry, etc. Apart from offers on feature rich smart phones, we also have medium and low end mobile phones that can fit in to any budget.

Our Mobile Shop doesn't just end with mobile phones. We know that mobile phone accessories are as much important, since with right kind of accessories a mobile phone can really stand out. Hence we have extended our shop to include accessories like high quality headphones, Bluetooth headsets, memory cards, exquisite mobile covers, mobile batteries, wireless keypads, mobile chargers etc. in short everything that a mobile phone should have and can have.

So don't wait for it, grab your favourite mobile handsets at mouth watering prices. The best place to shop is right here right now on India's leading online shopping portal.

Rediff Shopping is a pioneering Intermediary Marketplace committed to giving our Customers & Sellers a good online shopping experience. In case there is any information missing or incorrect on this webpage, you are requested to bring it to the notice of the Seller.




