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A necklace is a piece of jewellery which is worn around the neck. It has been an integral part of jewellery that is believed to be as old as the Stone Age. The oldest necklaces were made from all natural materials found in the earth around 40,000 years ago during the period of Stone Age. Early necklaces were made of bone, mollusc, small stones, shells, and teeth gathered from successful hunting trips. Necklace makes strong fashion statement that portrays style, charisma and confidence.

Choosing the right type enhance your features. There are broadly 7 types of necklaces. They are Collar (worn high on the neck and around 12 to 14 inches long), Chokers (stiff around the neck, worn below the collar bone, 14 to 16 inches long), Princess (worn below the collar bone, mostly with pendants, 17 to 19 inches long), Matinee (both casual and formal design, breast bone long), Opera (about 28 inches to 34 inches long), Rope (around 35 to 45 inches long, can be knotted with single or multiple loop) and Lariat (more than 45 inches long).

You can get a necklace in a number of styles and materials at Rediff Shop. Rediff Shop offers a collection of beautiful Semi Precious Necklaces from the creative designer and manufacturer Jagdamba. Browse through the exclusive range of high value product at Rediff Shop, you will be amazed at the enticing affordable discounted price.

Some of the popular best selling items are hot favorites among the fashion conscious women. Visit Rediff Shop and Gift, you will sure love to have them in your wardrobe. The items we are mentioning here are really priceless: 2-String Pearl Necklace DSC-0011, Kriaa Elegant Silver And Gold Chain-TTCH008, Ethnic necklace - A design from the modern world, New Design Stylish Pearl Set - Mfrpp86a, JPEARLS NEW DESIGNER CZ WEAR, Kriaa Elegant Silver And Gold Chain-TTCH007, Ethnic necklace - A design from the modern world, Jpearls CZ Pearl Necklace, Pearl Necklace - SN-137, Jpearls Hansine CZ Necklace Set, 4 Spectacular Necklace set With Maang-Tikka's, 5 beautiful pendant necklace combos with earring, 5 beautiful pendant necklace combos with earring, Ruby Necklace - RBN-16.
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