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Ever wondered how jeans became a staple of everybody's wardrobe and key item in trends and fashion around the world? It will be extremely astonishing to find someone without a pair of jeans today. Over the years this garment has made its way through history and has become an indispensible clothing item for men. The word 'jeans' is derived from the French phrase- 'bleu de Genes' which means 'the blue of Genoa'. The denim fabric finds its origin in the French town of Nime and was named after the location. And the name quickly became popular as 'denim' abroad. Although Genoese Navy sailors back in the 1500s were the first ones to strutter around wearing denim. But it was in the 1870s during the gold rush boom that denims started gaining popularity. With Levi Strauss creating jeans for men which became a strong style as workers pants that came with rivets. Californian coal miners were quick at adapting the comfortable and strong garment. Jeans were originally cut out of uncomfortable hemp. But Strauss's discovery of the twilled cotton from the French town of Nimes, gave the world what we today know as jeans.

The garment was largely worn by workers. It later gained popularity as a symbol of protest against conventionality in American Pop Culture. The young adults soon started sporting the trend that in a way appeared to be rebellious. People sporting jeans were often refused entry to theatres, restaurants and other haunts. The trend finally became more acceptable during the 1960s. And by the 1970s it went on to become a full- fledged fashion trend. The 80s saw designer jeans for men and denims make their way to popular fashion shows. After this, it became inevitable in the 1990s that the jeans had entered mainstream fashion both for men and women. The first style that appeared in the late 1990s and early 2000s was jeans for men with a boot cut finish. By the late 2000s this style was replaced by regular or slim fit products that offered a lot more comfort and style points. Today almost every man has a pair of blue or black jeans as part of his everyday wardrobe.

At Rediff Shopping, you can get a number of such products in different brands, colors and unique styles. Not only are these products available at reasonable prices, they are several discounts and unique combo offers. You can priorities your purchase based on need, convenience and budget, due to the large variety of products available at varying prices. By simply clicking on the desired product you can get it shipped and delivered right at your doorstep. Our easy payment options include cash on delivery, debit and credit cards and net banking.

Numero Uno: This popular brand has a number of products in varying colors and finishes. A Carbon Morice Bertina Maxine Jeans with up to five pockets can be easily paired with a jacket or sweatshirt giving you a cool and fresh look. If you are going out for dinner with family or friends, a dark shade, regular fit jeans with a mild wash finish will look good with both a shirt or t-shirt and casual shoes.

American Swan: Men who do not mind wearing bright colored jeans can browse through the diverse collection of American Swan products. With colors such as light blue, maroon, green and purple, you can go retro and pair this look off with a darker shade t-shirt or sweater. A forest green jeans for men made of 98% cotton and 2% Lycra, with a metal zip closure and a signature flag print at the waistband, can look good when combined with a grey sweater and black shoes while on a night out clubbing with friends. The slim fit finish gives it a sophisticated and up street look that most men desire.

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