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There is no doubting that gold jewellery is a must have for any woman. This particular type of jewellery is one of the most versatile as it can complement all kinds of attires from modern to traditional. There are different kinds of gold jewellery you can opt for depending on your taste and attire. For instance, small loop earrings and studs and ideal for combining with chic contemporary attire like trousers. However, dangling ethnic designed gold earrings are better suited for teaming with sarees and salwars. Gold bangles on the other hand, are a more versatile type of jewellery as they can be worn with almost any kind of outfit. You can choose from different kinds of bangles based on their weight, thickness and design. If you prefer something less flashy, and more suited for everyday wear, gold chains make a great choice. You can find chains that are ideal for everyday wear or ones that are designed for garnering attention at special occasions. Another popular kind of gold jewellery is gold pendants, which come in various styles, shapes and sizes, according to your penchant. When it comes to shopping for gold jewellery, Rediff Shopping is a suitable place to get anything you want. Here you can choose from a wide range of authentic gold jewellery and all at reasonable rates.

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