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We all like our cars to smell fresh and clean. With a little knowledge we can learn that all car perfumes do not work equally well. There are different types of car perfumes and car fresheners. Some of them are, Spray Cans, Hanging Cardboard likes, The Scented Trees, Oil Diffuser, Can Style, Aerosol, Non-Hanging Cardboard Car Perfume, Vent Sticks, Stick-On Gels, Car Plug-Ins, Oil Diffusers, etc.

The longest lasting fresheners and perfumes are oils and gels types. Many consider car plug-ins are second best after gels and oils as these are less expensive than the formers but it is also true that they do not last as long the oils and gels do. The least expensive among all types of car perfumes are perhaps cardboard hanging ones.

They usually last about seven weeks but that off course depends on the on how strong the flow of fragrance is. To the most car owners, the most important thing is the fragrance. Use of strength of your car perfume is a dubious task in either way. It should never be too strong otherwise you will have the proverbial label perfume on a pig! You should also keep in mind that if you have a problem with the air or smell in your car, a car air freshener may not be always the right place to start for the solution, find the correct source.

There are many who recommend using scent layering, that is, use of one or more air freshener styles in the same scent in combination. Here, the fragrance of one product supports the scent or fragrance of another product when used together.

Rediff Shop has an exclusive range of Car Perfumes. This is the place where you can find the best deals on every latest Car Perfumes with elite fragrance blends. Rediff Shop is offering 244 items of high value Car Perfume products from every leading manufacturer like Aeron, Ambipur, Godrej and Fouring at the best affordable rate.

Some of their top selling items are:Ambipur Car, Home, Office Air Perfume Freshener Spray 300ml, Tropi-cool Air Ionizer HBA 69R, Concept Crystal Premium Car Cologne Perfume, Car Auto A/C Vent Perfume Air Freshener Set of 3, Areon Ken Car, Home, Office Air Freshener Perfumes, New 100% Original Areon Car Air Home Office Gel Based Perfume, 100% Original Areon Car Air Home Office Gel Based Perfume, Areon Ken Car, Home, Office Air Freshener Strawberry Flavor, New Godrej Air Click Air Freshener A/c Vent Perfume, Godrej Air Freshener Spray 300ml, Ambi Pur Starter Pack Car AC Vent Air Freshener Perfume- Lavender.

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