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Pump up the festive mood with sugar free sweets!

Attention all you figure conscious people! We come with an offer that you cannot resist! No, exercise machines or long diet plans we provide you with the most delicious sweets that you can devour guilt-free! With all the fun-filled festivals lining up, we know how much you will crave looking at those sweet packs swarming in your houses and shops. So here we are with a wide array of sugar free sweets that are apt for all the sweet lovers:

Festival of fun: Celebrate this Durga Puja with pomp and gaiety; while devouring the toothsome Motichoor laddoos. You can pick up the famous Ghasitaram Sugar Free Mithais. This can be bought within the price range of INR 350 - INR 360. Then there is also the Sugar Free Kaju Ladoo that is available within the low price range of INR 525 - INR 560. All these delectable sweets come with the exciting facility of free shipping!

Festival of lights - Light up your neighbourhood and welcome goddess Lakshmi with open arms! Amidst all the preparation of delicious cuisines, spare a lot of space for the sugar free assorted sweets online. Now you can shamelessly enjoy the wide variety of sweets that we have for you here at shopping.rediff.com and elevate the festive mood! You can pick up the Ghasitarams Sugar free Kaju Mix Thali that can be bought within the price range of INR 900 - INR 1000 or choose our Sugar Free Mava Mix Box that is available within INR 700 - INR 750!

Festival of love:Pamper your lovable brothers this Bhai-Dooj and feed them with the plethora of scrumptious and moist sweets that are available here! We have Ghasitaram's Sugar Free Mix Katli within the price range of INR 600 - INR 650. Then there is also Sugar Free Choco Roll for your little brothers who have a soft corner for chocolates! (Available within the price range of INR 525 - INR 540). There are other interesting choices also like Sugarfree Mango Kaju Katli, Sugar Free Pista Moon etc that come with the facility of free shipping. Apart from these we also have Mithai Gift Hampers, Cookies, Dry fruit sweets and more.

So what are you waiting for? Quench your hunger for something sweet and fret not because your calorie count is not going to reach great heights! Enjoy with these sugar free sweets available at affordable prices only on Rediff Shopping. Shop Now!
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