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Home Appliances to make you lives better:

Ditch spending tedious hours with the old and banal home appliances as they are paving way for the modern and new mechanical wonders today! This is the modern era and technology dominates our lives! Talk about modern gizmos, hi-fi gadgets etc. - All are pretty much available at our disposal. This stands true to the wide collection of home appliances that are available in the market and aim at making our lives so much easier with their upgraded versions and multi-faceted functions.

So here at shopping.rediff.com we bring you the best Bajaj home appliances available in the market, that too at an exciting price range! To add to your convenience, many selected items also come with EMI options and Cash on Delivery facilities! So go ahead and make your pick:

Water Heaters:

A hot water bath is something that everybody wants in the chilly wintery morning before leaving for work or after returning home, energy drained from office. So turn on your water heater and pamper yourself with hydrotherapy that works wonders.

At Shopping.rediff.com there is variety of water heaters, available in different capacities ranging from 3L-25L.The instant water heaters are the best solution for those who are in a hurry every morning.

Heat Convectors:

A cozy and warm room is a blessing in winters. With spine chilling cold season approaching, investing in a heat convector will be a great idea. Here is a wide assortment of great products for you that will serve the dual purpose of heaters in winter and mini fans in summers.


A designer ceiling fan elevates the look of the room. Come and explore the classy designs of ceiling fans here at shopping.rediff.com. Relive your childhood days by enjoying a birthday party on a terrace, on a moonlit night and enjoying the airy strokes of your portable table fan. There are so many stylish and affordable ranges of pedestal fans, table fans and wall fans etc. for you to choose from.


Going for an interview? Attending your convocation ceremony? Well crisp ironed clothes speak a lot about your personality and make a long lasting impression on others around you .Bajaj Irons are sure to offer that clean and refined look to your clothes. These handheld devices are available in different price ranges and designs like Steam irons, dry irons etc.

Have a look at this wide catalogue of home appliances by Bajaj that we offer you here at make the best pick depending on your preference and style!
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